
Child Support lawyer Naples

How is Child Support Calculated in Florida?

Support paid for the benefit the children is called child support.

Child support is a right that belongs to the children, not the parents, and you cannot waive it.

In Florida, every parent is responsible for the support of his or her child or children. A parent’s child support obligation is presumptively determined by a statutory formula known as the child support guidelines, and it is based on several factors such as the respective net income of each parent, cost of health care insurance for the children, cost of daycare and the number of overnights each parent has with the children.

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Divorce Attorney Naples

What is the First Thing That Happens After I File for Divorce?

If you have made the very difficult decision to end your marriage and seek a divorce, you probably have questions about the divorce process. You might be confused about what you have to do to file for divorce, what happens once you file, and what you can expect as the case progresses.

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Divorce Lawyer in Naples

Do You Really Want a Divorce?

The first and most obvious question that you should ask yourself before you begin a divorce is do you really want a divorce? Under Florida law, the legal requirement for divorce is simple—the court must find that your marriage is “irretrievably broken” prior to dissolving the marriage. From a practical standpoint, whether your marriage is irretrievably broken depends primarily on yours or your spouse’s view of the status of your marriage. If you are potentially considering a divorce, the very first thing that you should resolve is your level of certainty that you either cannot or will not save or fix your marriage. If you have resolved that issue, then you could testify to the court that your marriage is irretrievably broken and satisfy the legal requirement.

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